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Natalia Montewska says:

Juanes is the only person who can sing this song. You already murdered Beggin… Stop it!

Justhin Hosni Luna Ramirez says:


Bambi Kummer says:

Just look at him

Kathleen Salazar says:

Tyx for Thomas pix

luvmåne says:

la camisa negra>><

Barbara Avalo says:

Te amooooooo

Ветер says:

La Shate Mi Cantare…. он сможет ее спеть?

Ветер says:

Да лаааадно…молодец, послушать бы полностью…

katherine diaz says:


ruth miranda says:

WOW, canción de Juanes maravilloso

Syl Gee says:

🙋‍♀️ love the cover & Juanes!

JapaniKatti says:

i want the full version PLEASE I NEED IT

It’s Via says:


Tamri Kuxaleishvili says:

а как называется песня

Rosangela Santos says:

Viaciamos. Agora, Damiano, vai ter que cantar para nós 🤭🎤🎸🎵
Não paro de ouvir. Ficou lindo na voz dele🤩

Roselin Viveros says:

Por favor, suban un cover de esta canción, suena súper chingona 😍

Jessica Marie says:

Amazing boys

Ridwan Hariyanto says:

When will Maneskin tour to Indonesia? Indonesia is waiting for the Maneskin to come to Indonesia. I love Maneskins.

sofiaaa_st.må says:

lithuannia <3


Hej 👀✒mane 👀✒kokain ✒👀zervus ✒👀📷👀📷👀

freeman says:

Juanes was better. the song just created for him

Antonella Costantino says:

AAAAAAA me mori

John Jaiver Rodríguez Gutiérrez says:

Excelente versión saludos desde Cali Colombia…

Alexandra says:

Damiano, you do the cover very very good! Love you Måneskin.♡

Andrea Naso says:

Spero che la mettino in scaletta 😍

claudia campagnolo says:


Carolina Berrio says:

Wow Guys 🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴🇨🇴❤️❤️❤️

Anna Fetterolf says:

We need a cover of this song!!! 😅 Damiano is so versatile. The fact that he can sing in Spanish so perfectly makes me swoon. ❤️‍🩹

Jessica Cristofori says:

Perché non la fate tengo tengo la camicia nera

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