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People who don’t understand Spanish can read here the lyrics in English. Thank you.

«In love»

«Today I confess you (Confess you)
You pick me up from the ground
And you gave me joy to my life

You take me to a place to fly
So high that I don’t want to drown
I’m in the clouds with you
I never want to leave

And you take me somewhere to fly
So high that I don’t want to drown
I’m in the clouds with you
I never want to leave

When the night falls I think of you (i think of you)
I think your body of siren
I think of your face that makes me go to heaven
Maybe I never said what I feel for you (for you)
That if I could i gave you the sea
So you can see what I feel for you

You take me to a place to fly
So high that I don’t want to drown
I’m in the clouds with you
I never want to leave

And you take me somewhere to fly
So high that I don’t want to drown
I’m in the clouds with you
I never want to leave

Here am I thinking in your eyes, your smile in your beautiful face
Leads me to heaven, girl I love you, without you i can’t, this is eternal
Without you I would be like a boat adrift, without direction fixed it what would be in my life
Without you I would be lost on a trip and wounded, so i follow your way

You take me to a place to fly
So high that I don’t want to drown
I’m in the clouds with you
I never want to leave

I never want to get away from you, you got me flying high
With you there are no crying, nooo

You take me to a place to fly
So high that I don’t want to drown
I’m in the clouds with you
I never want to leave

And you take me somewhere to fly
So high that I don’t want to drown
I’m in the clouds with you
I never want to leave»

Translation made by: @ngel (a102584)


Mike Blackbird says:

i 'understand this' toBe veryLOVELY☺/

Angel Of Peace says:

Video very successful, other music and lyrics


Awesome VIDEO sweet @ngel..congratulations
Thanks for sharing it with us
Thousand Kisses in yourS2♥

Роза Ветров says:

I subbed you and hope you can sub me back.

Dorothy K. says:

All the stars***** for this wonderful creation of yours,my @ngel!! Thank you for this awesome sharing!

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