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I attended the Pitbull concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Had a great night. The crowd was awesome and so was the show.


z umba says:

great video

Mature beauty squad says:

Looks like a top night
Great job Big Serg

babs orlando says:

I saw Coldplay at Hollywood Bowl… you are right it is awesome place… so much history and they had museum there… very nice. I saw Pitbull at IHeart in MGM LV… really good musicians …great show! I love music and you can see I would travel all over to see great shows. 😎


I'll go to the back of the bus, anytime ,that's where all the cool kids, hung out,


Florida Keys Mike, I've seen Pitbull a couple times, just walking around in South Beach down here in the keys believe it or not, normal guy, I think he likes the keys,

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