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Michael Jackson says:

I luv Joseph Jackson😘

enzo donovan says:

on sait comment ca va finir tout ca

Verоnica says:

Ох… Как цепануло….

aron atakilt says:

This man called Michael Jackson!
Words can't describe him!
We love you forever Michael!

Julia Young says:

Can anyone tell me the locations on this video? Particularly the first one?

Daniel Sernaqué C. says:

Buenos pasos, buen baile, buen trabajo. Liberian Girl excelente canción. Grande Michael Jackson. Como siempre el mejor…

Alexandre Szpajdel says:

The song is good and they can dance really well, I just started kizomba and it s not easy, these guys are good

-alwaysonpoint says:

Every last one of you idiots don’t know the history or steps to kizomba so please save the nonsense

Everyday learn one complex vocabulary word says:

Lovely song god bless

Manevski Anaïs says:

You two can't dance

Manevski Anaïs says:

The song is also terrible , the original is better

Manevski Anaïs says:

Bad bad bad too slow and boring

Manevski Anaïs says:

Waste of time

Serger Goedhart says:

A bit to fast. slow down to 0.85-0.95 in youtube test it speed –> 0.75 for an idea

NOUR says:

very bad😒

mano kurti says:

I like this

Rajiv Rm says:

Waste of time

Rajiv Rm says:

Waste of time

Rajiv Rm says:

Waste of time

Rajiv Rm says:

Waste of time

Rajiv Rm says:

Waste of time

Eduardo Villasuso Zayas says:

Michael Jackson Liberian Girl by Eddy Zayas

jesus estaben says:


TALOS Perfect World Mobile says:

stupid intro…….

VeNuS2910 says:

too much wiggling by the girl i think. it kind of awkward to watch, even for a female like me. but they are both good dancers though.

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