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2021.09.25 Great Lawn in Central Park, New York, NY, USA

Jennifer Lopez Live at Global Citizen Festival 2021

No copyright infringement intended!


Heloiza says:


Adele Antoine says:

This so lame n boring actually..

onn groove cd boombox transformersLAprime says:

thats minne 3rd wannabe jlo tour

ANNA AKA Shopping says:


donna maclean says:

this woman LOVES entertaining the CONSUMATE performer i hope this will SILENCE all the people who say she isn't a very good singer she is AMAZING

Maglein Velez says:

JLO has gotten better with her vocals! I still thank Marc Anthony her baby daddy for teaching her how to use her vocals!

Айдана Кельденова says:

I’m glad for “I’m glad”😍

TheMrsSebastianShow says:

My favorite part is "I'm Glad." This makes my high school heart so happy. I was in love and heartbroken with her through the Bennifer 1.0 era. I used to memorize all of JLo's moves in her music videos. She has inspired me so much growing up! She had always talked about how she doesn't drink, smoke, or do any vices, and these things you really do take note of when you are a fan going through teenage years. She takes care of her body and has enormous discipline, which I also strive to do up to this day in my 30s.💓

SoueuLucas says:

Mdsss essa mulher parou no tempo mdsss a beleza intacta

lvmira2008 says:

Loved it!! Never seen her live before…

Kornelia Adams says:

Horrible cloths. This not stile J.

Waldemar Rodríguez Denis says:

Soy puertorriqueño y ella es un orgullo para nosotros ! Pero tengo que ser honesto que horrendo canta ! El escenario no se veía lleno de la energía que suele tener en los escenarios también súper desorganizada la coreografía

Moayad Osama says:


jstratus4 says:

Her voice sounds pretty good here and she's hasn't stopped dancing from the jump I think she super talented

JESILVER30 says:


吳亦奇 says:

she' not a singer

Jeycita Lara says:


Targaryen Dragon says:

0:50 cambia el paso
4:44 if you had my love
5:41 love don’t cost a thing
6:47 l’m glad
9:33 all I have
13:06 I’m real
14:48 ain’t it funny
17:20 jenny from the block
22:20 on my way

Curvyllama says:

That’s pretty sad she brought on a known scammer. Yikes

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